1、develop an interest in培养在。
2、的兴趣双语对照例句:1.Outreach program for middle school girls in texas that isdesigned to encourage more girls to develop an interest inmath, science and engineering through hands-on activities. 在德克萨斯,针对中学女生的“超越”计划在设计上侧重通过开展动手实践活动,促使更多的女生逐渐对数学、科学和工程产生兴趣。
3、 2.But the best way for a collector to ensure he can find what hewants is to develop an interest in something machine-made. 但对于收藏家而言,确保能找到想要藏品的最好方式是对机械生产的东西开发出兴趣。
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